Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lane's Speech Sessions

Lane's speech is coming along...slowly, but fairly steady. He has speech therapy sessions once a week with his therapist, Becky. She comes here to our house and does the sessions, which is nice. It may look like they are "play sessions", but with boys often it's the play with interactive toys that gets them going. Often girls learn to talk sooner, while with boys all they want to do is run, jump, push and pull toys around, and climb. They'd much rather do that than stay still and present a speech. In these pictures, Lane is playing with an interactive playground. It has a slide that he would put the little figures on, then push a lever and watch them slide down. He loved it. There was also a little horse that he could have the figures ride. If you haven't heard him say "horsey" yet, it's something to see. We'll try to get it on video and post it.

Becky is very good at getting him to repeat things and to encourage him to speak before giving him something or moving on to the next task. He enjoys being with her.

He can repeat almost any word that is given to him. Current favorites include: "horsey", "basketball", "away", "Woody" and "Buzz" (from Toy Story), and, of course, "Mama", "Dada", and recently-- "Lane". His other very favorite word to say is "BEAST!!!". This is because he loves Beauty and the Beast so much. He watches it several times per week.

Occasionally, he surprises us. The other day on the way out to the mailbox, I held his hand and started walking. Then suddenly, he pulled his hand away and said, "Let me go!". At this point, I was the one who was speechless.


M & S Eagar said...

how cute on the "let me go" - glad that the speech therapy is helping. he looks like he's getting taller.

Jacob said...

Yeah for LANE!!!!
(that is his private cheering squad here in QC!:)


About Me

Lincoln and I have been married for 9 years. We both grew up in Arizona. We are currently living in Surprise, AZ and are both RNs. I work in an ICU department and LOVE it! We have one little 2-year-old boy that makes us so happy, and are hoping for more little ones soon.